Ultrarunning World is delighted to be co-sponsoring the free Bristol Running Show, the first...
“A terrible beauty is born” W.B. Yeats If you are not crying at the...
January 27 6:00pm – 8:00pm “Everything you ever wanted to know about ultra running...
London Tuesday 8th December 2015 6:30pm – 8:30pm Run and Become, 4a Eccleston Street,...
What: A Marathon de Sables Inspiration Evening With Tobias Mews Where: Run and Become...
Charlie Ramsay talks about the Ramsay Round, a 56 mile challenge covering 24 Munroes...
Vegan Ultrarunner Scott Jurek at Vegfest London next weekend and will be giving talks...
Barefoot Ted – Run Like A Human, A Talk on June 18th 2013 6:30pm...
Visiting Professor Alan Dix Treading out technology: exploring the edges during a thousand mile...
Rosie Swale Pope will be giving a talk in Run & Become in London...