This years Hardmoors 110 has been opened to to unsupported runners. However a certain...
The North Face® Athlete Jez Bragg Claims 1st Place in The Fellsman For immediate...
Challenge66 – 66 ultramarathons in 66 day Ultrarunner Andy McMenemy is almost there in...
NEWS from Orkney’s William Sichel Sichel wins 2011 Hungarian 6 Day race with outright...
At the 82 hour mark in the Unix 6 Day Race in Balatonfured, Hungary....
Did you read UltraRunning World No.5? If so read on and if not, get...
The 2011 John O’Groats to Lands End race, the JOGLE, a 860 mile 16...
An exercise machine designed to help astronauts walk on the moon is now the...
Issue 5 of Ultrarunning World is published today and contains a round up of...
Lowri’s epic series wins race for the ‘Spirit of the Festival’ Award A powerful,...