Going Round The Bend In Brno For 6 Hours Dara O’Kearney Getting ready In...
Dear (Ultra)Runner, Have you heard about the UltraBalaton, an Ultra running race from Hungary?...
The Lakeland 100 (UTLD) takes place on the weekend of August 9th & 10th...
Posted on the Ultralist: Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:32:20 +0100 From: ...
Wuthering Hike is a solo or team event consisting of 32 miles traversing moors...
The British Ultra – The toughest multi stage ultra foot race in the UK....
The challenge of England’s Everest Published on 26/10/2007 Selwyn Wright EXPLAINING any...
This weekend there were two Self-Transcendence races in Europe. The results of the Berlin...
There is a gallery installed on the site now which will host pictures from...